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Music and Love
Music in the lives of Italian Australians
in Griffith, New South Wales

Roland Bannister

THE AUTHOR:  Dr Roland Bannister began his working life as a carpenter in Newcastle, NSW.  He later trained as a trombonist and high school music teacher and then taught in schools in Glen Innes and London.  In 1972 he joined Charles Sturt University's teacher education staff at the University's Wagga Wagga campus.  There he prepared teacher education students to teach music in the classroom, and for six years was seconded as Director of the Riverina Conservatorium.  Roland took a keen interest in community music in Wagga Wagga and the wider Riverina.  He was Music Director of the Riverina Concert Band for nearly two decades, and played in or directed many other local music ensembles.  Roland researches and writes on topics in music education and musicology.  He has made a particular study of military music, and, more recently, the music of the Italian Australians of Griffith.  In retirement Roland has returned to Newcastle where his connection with CSU continues as an honorary Adjunct Senior Lecturer, and from where he and his wife Marion visit children in Nambour (where they also have a grandchild), Bex Hill, Sydney and Melbourne.

THE PUBLISHER:  The Italian Australian Institute (I.A.I.) is a non-profit organisation, supported by the co-operation between the Grollo-Ruzzene Foundation and La Trobe University.  Its charter states that its main aim is to research and study every aspect of the Italian presence in Australia.

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